Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Really Random Rants!
We've come a long way this year, we've fought through bad times (losing subscribers and views) fought through sorrow of loss (Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds, Gene Wilder, Prince, George Michael etc.) but we kept moving forward!

We started this year with only 32 subscribers, and we made it to 128 subscribers!

We started this year with only 53 episodes, we now have 115+!

We started on season 2, we're now cruising along in season 3 which is 2 times longer than S2!

We updated our logo!

We made music videos!

We started doing skits and sketches regularly

We got to interview Dylan R. Snyder, Swampy Marsh, Letters From Home, Les Brown Jr. Matt Bell & Eric Sellin!

We got a blog

We got 50 Facebook likes!

We made a text font

We got accepted for our first Comic Con

And so so so much more!

Despite the trials, deaths, sadness, and downs, we pushed through!

Thanks for a great year, and thanks for being subscribed and a fan!

Happy New Year, we can't wait to talk to you in 2017!

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Links to our websites, pages, and social media accounts!

Our main place aka our YouTube channel:

And there you go, all the links to our various sites, social media, and professional pages about us!

And just in case you ever forget the link to this blog you're currently on, either go to our YouTube page, and you'll see an icon that if you click on it, it will take you here...or copy this link:

Is This Blog Dead?

Where Are The Blog Posts?

Why haven't we posted in what feels like 5 months?
We are new to making blog style posts,and not very good at it, so it will take us awhile to get this going, and even when we do that, to get good at it, so just hang in with us, as it should eventually pay off!
Due to this, our blog posts for our first year or so of doing this site, might not, and probably won't be in the typical blog format and style, is this a good thing? (That's for you to decide). But I'm sure after that our posts will begin to improve and transform into blog posts, making this a blog and not just a Really Random Rants website where you hear stories straight from the cast of Really Random Rants, but the blog and site not really being a RRR thing!

So in summary

Until we get the hang of this blog posts won't happen very often, but check the site daily just in case.
Our posts won't be in the blog format for awhile.
For awhile this will appear to just be the cast and crew sharing stuff about their lives, dreams, experiences, fan theories etc. instead of actually being about RRR*.

So to answer this blog post's title, is this blog dead? No, no it is not!


Thanks for coming to this site/blog, sharing it, being a fan of RRR, using #DebDidItFirst, and subscribing to our youtube channel! Until next time Tim out saying, "Have a really really random day!"


* It's from Really Random Rants, it's an official thing, but it's more of from the Really Random Rants brand, not connected to the Really Random Rants "universe."

Thursday, September 8, 2016

New Blog + Who We Are & All About This Site!

We've now created a blog! If you're wondering who we are, we're a youtube show called Really Random Rants, and we make videos every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:00AM (Est)! We're currently on season 3 and we thought it was about time we created a website, so we thought we would make a blog! This will be a blog where we can post updates on the show, do giveaways, tell random stories that don't fit the genre of our show, but we still want the world to hear, and much much more! If you've found this site because of already being a fan of our show (Which is probably the case) thanks for checking it out, and we hope you return here as often as possible! We highly encourage you all to add this site to your bookmarks so you don't forget how to get back here, and make sure to watch our show on youtube as that is what our company really is! We will try to post at least twice every week but we can't guarantee anything as we have really busy schedules! We will however try posting interesting dreams we've had at night here so you can hear our weird (unreal) experiences, and then we'll talk all about real experiences we've had as well!
So anyway thanks for coming to this blog, make sure to tell your friends about it, and about our show, #DebDidItFirst (Get that trending people) and have a Really Really Random Day!